黑白照是我偏好的明信片種類之一,因為照片背後似乎隱含了許多歷史和故事 :D
所以profile上的 "the postcard I may love most" 其中之一就是 Black and white photography
有一些甘心的user看到了這個選項,特地挑了黑白卡片給我 ♥ ♥
1. from Sandra, Germany
Sandra說她之前參加過一個有趣的拍照活動:"Project 365"
她寄給我的這張照片也很可愛,在無人飛機上打羽球耶 XD
(Sandra attended a photo project called "Project 365", It's where you take a new photo everyday for one year. It was great and fun to record the past year.)
2. from Katrin, Germany
當地著名景點就是格林童話故事中,由一頭驢子、一條狗、一隻貓、一隻公雞組成的步萊梅樂隊。:P 她在卡片上教了我一些德文 ^O^ I like it! ex: Hello --> Hallo Love --> Liebe Kiss --> Kuss good --> gut 3. from Iolanda, Portugal 在航空公司工作的 Iolanda 之前去非洲當志工 她說當地的孩子雖然貧窮,但心靈很富足,讓她十分感動,同時也擁有了一些勇氣。 所以她寄了這張充滿童趣的明信片,是在我們長大成人後就失去的magic。 卡片上的郵票是葡萄牙歌手Amalia Rodrigues 後來我發現這是來自專賣明信片的外國品牌:Nouvelles Images 聽說又貴又難買,要在國外網站購入@ @ OMG!我也太幸運了吧~真是十分謝謝這位user!!! (Iolanda had been to Africa in a volunteering projects. The children she worked with are young as 6 and not older than 12. Many of them come from poor families but have naivity and strength which touching her. The Nouvelles Images card depicts that a child's capacity to believe in things and magic, which is something we start losing as grow older.) |